Hi, I'm
I'm a young guy on Self-Improvement,
Working as a Copywriter.
About me
I'm a young guy on self-improvement, working as a copywriter, living in Brazil.My favorite activity is working out, my favorite food is grilled chicken, my favorite color is red, and, my biggest goal right now is to be successful in all areas of my life.I'm always working hard to become the best version of myself,Success is my priority.
My work
I'm working hard on my copywriting journey,My skills are pretty good (other copywriters said this), and I'm focusing on making them even better.If you want to check it out,Click on the buttom down below.
Get my work
To get my work,DM me on Instagram.My profile is @edu_p_munhoz.You'll only know the pricing if you get on a call with me.My work is about emails and sales pages.I can do other things, but these are where I perform the best.
Disclaimer: I'll not accept your deal if your business is way too small,
You need to have at least a $50k/yr+ business, or else, my services will not be that effective.